UpDog Trial
July 8th & 9th
Sweet Mouse Acres, Lumsden
Head Judge: Sal Evans
or 7 runs for $77
Entries close whenever the maximum runs have been reached.
Entries close whenever the maximum runs have been reached.
- Set up at 8:30am
- Warm up Throwing at 8:40am
- Judge’s Briefing at 8:50am
followed immediately by first dog on the line - Max 150 runs
- Set up at 8:00am
- Warm up Throwing at 8:15am
- Judge’s Briefing at 8:25am
followed immediately by first dog on the line - Max 150 runs
You must include your UTN with this entry if you have one for your team or your entry will not be accepted. A UTN is not required so if you do not yet have one for your team, leave the UTN section blank.
Please transfer your entry fees to sevans@failedslacker.com and include some way to link it to your entry. Entries will not be confirmed until we have your payment.
Submit Entry